The first time I tried blogging was back in 2017. Like now, back then I had the same thought of “hey why not start blogging, it will be good for experience and maybe it will be helpful for people”. But then I stopped, and here I am again trying to make blog posts. One time I had an interview for a job and the interviewee asked me what do in my personal time to which I said I used to blog, which the interviewee of course asked “why did you stop?” It was a hard question to answer on the spot, because I knew that the truthful answer does not put me in a good spotlight. The reasons why I stopped blogging was…


I was lazy. I felt the need to keep making posts and coming up with things to talk about (as if I was getting any readership, I didn’t even promote or manage my blog’s SEO). That feeling of needing to make posts in a consistent basis, if not for the views at least for self-improvement, was honestly not fun to do. And it created this feeling of pressure to do it, like a dreaded homework that you keep procastinating.


I was scared. Even though I knew I wasn’t necessarily getting any readership (I didn’t set up analytics but most probably did not), I was scared at putting my thoughts in the public domain. I was scared if the presentation was good enough, are the words I chose appropriate, is my post controversial, is it relatable etc. etc. I have a knack for overthinking and finding different possibilities, and surely I did and it kind of overwhelmed me funnily enough.

What’s different now

I only recently entertained the idea of blogging again. It’s not to kill time during the COVID-19 pandemic but because I still do have desires to express my thoughts in some concrete manner, which blogging helps with. It’s also a way for me to have my own little personal “product” that I can work on bit by bit. So there is both personal and professional reasons to why I am restarting blogging. To help overcome the reasons why I stopped blogging, here are several things I want to stick to as much as possible:

  1. Not hoping to gain viewership. I want to make this blog grow for now for myself and I don’t want to be caught up on “advertising”, which also includes feeling forced to make posts in a consistent timeframe
  2. Focusing on creating honest but quality written work. I want to emphasize on the honesty part first, and then worry about presentation and stringent professionalism second
  3. Enjoy it more! Honestly, I need to enjoy my own creative work more and enjoy the process of it

I’ll be sticking my best to these guidelines