I commissioned a good designer friend of mine for a logo for this site (including a favicon), and I want to outline why the logo looks like the way it is.

As my blog title says, this blog is a scattering of thoughts. What does that mean? It means that this blog covers a range of topics and is really a representation of the scattered thoughts and ideas in my mind. At the same time I made this blog as a way to self-improve and grow, whether it be in writing, blog creation, self-advertising (though I’m not intending to heavily promote the blog as of the time of this writing) or technical matters.

Hence I thought up of a Rubik’s cube that is disentangled and ripped apart by a growing seed. The idea is that the Rubik’s cube is a structured confinement of my thoughts in a logical form with many, but finite possibilities. By disentangling the Rubik’s cube from its structured form I hope to show the attempt to “break free” from my current self, expanding my tightly held logics, thoughts, structures and experiences. At the same time it also serves the dual purpose of the scattering of my thoughts in action. The seed is the seed of growth that enables this destructuring, and its blossom is a symbol of my growth. The animation too, while entertaining, serves a purpose. Through a cycle of being structured and destructured, I acknowledge that as I grow there will be moments where I will settle with the new me, and whenever those moments come, I would want to grow again. Hence, repeating the cycle ad infinitum.

I’m truly happy for the work that my friend managed to do. Sadly, there is no attribution link I can direct to for her right now, but I hope to add it in the future.